Take advantage of your equity to pay off your mortgage
Finvest knows how to help you get there.
Get your free one on one session with firm founder
Use the equity in your home to pay off your mortgage
All clients are supported by unlimited beginner fee free sessions where we test income, create budgets and review over 8,000 properties, YEARS before the showrooms are built.
Here are 8 reasons to buy at the end of year period:
1. Invest with less
Many times Finvest can save you up to 60% on the deposits and terms to secure your purchases.
2. Become offer savvy
Take advantage of developers before their holiday period where sales shut down for 8 weeks.
3. How to ask for more
Providing we assess you are ready, let us work through some well used pressure points we have discovered make deals more attractive to the other side to get even more than a better price on your property.
4. Off market first picks from over 8,000+ listings
Finvest has gathered a cross section from units, townhouses and house and land solutions across inner, middle and outer hot spots both metropolitan and regionally to suit every budget and cash-flow before they hit ‘realestate.com.au’ + many of these are currently accepting offers up to $50,000 below their actual price.

5. Learn via education and have techniques applied custom negotiated
Your confidence will grow through education through our sessions with our professionals.
6. Grow your potential
Learn about the top 4 ways to get incomes from investment properties. More incomes mean diversity in helping you move forward with the lifestyle you truly deserve. Plus banks use these to allow you to grow your portfolio.
7. More income + better cash flow
Finvest Property Investment is about to transform your non deductable mortgage into an opportunity to reduce your debts ongoing with more income and no changes to your working hours.
8. Hands on, we’ve got you
Firm founder Lisa Harris is active in advisory for each scenario and portfolio we have created. We don’t keep secrets, we share along the way with unlimited sessions, as well as teach you every benefit there is to gain in property over short, medium and long term. We stay with you achieving each milestone, many clients holding over 5 properties now within 5 years or less.
Our Client's Stories
$10 tax paid on $76,000
Justin started as a beginner property investor at 29, purchasing an apartment with a first home owners grant. After refinancing and buying another apartment, Justin accessed a property using a grant which allowed for greater cash-flow. This began a series of successes in property and finance. Justin’s income was $76,701, tax payable of $17,387. After Finvest makeover it was reduced to only $10.74c.
From 0-4 Properties
in 18 Months
Rental income per month is now over $10,000, that’s $120,000 yearly!
Jai who had been a self employed dance instructor for eight years and a property investor for just over twelve months. Jai’s core motivation was family, so Finvest helped to ensure that education, time and choices were made a priority. Real people case studies, clients of Finvest achieving their property investment goals with the right guidance.
Let’s Assess You For Zero Tax
Practical and functional hands on investment support and investment property solution which had been independently researched. What and how lending and property can assist with more important milestones for you and your loved ones. Using property to create choices and planning for your desired future. Learning how to extract the Australian gearing benefits, seek guidance on the incomes and how to address property buffers, and exit strategies.
We will work you to a new level.